What is the purpose of a clinical trial?
Clinical trials are used to learn about the safety and the effectiveness of possible new medications. All trials must conform to the rules set by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These rules help protect the rights and safety of those who volunteer to take part in clinical trials.
Will I have to pay for anything if I participate?
If you qualify for our study, you will receive study medications and visits to our office at no cost to you. You will also be compensated for your time and travel to attend study visits.
How long do studies last?
Studies can last from weeks to months to years depending on the trial and the investigative medication.
What if I join the study and decide I do not want to participate anymore?
Your participation is completely voluntary and you may choose to leave the study at any time for any reason.
Do clinical trials have a placebo?
Some clinical trials have a control group who not receive active study medication during the study, or for a period of time during the study. These individuals receive a placebo medication. The odds of receiving a placebo vary with each study.